VINEGAR(DERIVED FROM WHEAT)See all key ingredients Where it's from: WheatWhat it is: Naturally DerivedWhy it's great: Used for gently purification, to balance the pH of the product and for shine Wheat can be found in products like these: Earn CA $28.00 1.7 fl oz/50 ml - travel size CA $14.00 8.5 fl oz/250 ml CA $28.00 33.8 fl oz/1 litre CA $87.00 1.7 fl oz/50 ml - travel size 8.5 fl oz/250 ml 33.8 fl oz/1 litre Temporarily out of stockComing soonInactiveSold Out Add to BagLoading... Notify Me Earn CA $30.00 1.7 fl oz/50 ml - travel size CA $14.00 8.5 fl oz/250 ml CA $30.00 33.8 fl oz/1 litre CA $95.00 1.7 fl oz/50 ml - travel size 8.5 fl oz/250 ml 33.8 fl oz/1 litre Temporarily out of stockComing soonInactiveSold Out Add to BagLoading... Notify Me More key ingredients